In the following clarification „BAST: Battery Stauts“ is called „BAST“ or the „App“
Personal Data
BAST does not store any of your personal data.
The App reads the imported Logfile to display the needed information. These logs files may include personal information, but they are ignored by the App.
Contact Form
BAST contains a contact form. By default, the App Version, Build Number, Device Model and the installed iOS Version are attached to the mail. If unwanted, you simply can remove these entries.
BAST is protocoling the user interaction, Device, Version, Build number, App warnings and errors to a logfile. The logfile is only stored on the device itself and can be exported by the user to get further information about the App’s behavior in case of any issues.
Server communication
BAST does not send any data to (third party) server!
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